Sea Kayaking
Black Isle 1st day
The first day of sea kayaking got off on a rough start and stayed that way, for me at least. Firstly, packing the food, I thought I had it under control and it turns out I should have left it all to Liz. I do not know why it all went wrong, however, later that day the food was totally disorganized, I couldn’t find anything. On top of that my mind was not there in the first place. We paddled on the stupid kayaks for ten miles; it wasn’t all that bad though. Thomas and I had a few laughs. We camped on Black Isle, which is ironic because I’m black. I am not disposing of my human waste in a PVC pipe ;).
Its Over (revised) 12th Day
This morning Kenny woke us up. I packed my sleeping bag and my tent. Well, he was kind of rude, but that’s Kenny. Later, he and Nina got in to it about her tent. I ate some granola. We walked the kayaks down to low tide and packed all our gear. We waited in the cove for like thirty min. John had to call Jenny, then we took pictures. At about 10:30 a.m. we hit the open and unprotected seas with a half way destination of bar isle. I was angry for some reason. I think because the weather was not in our favor at first. I believed that the cause of that was due to me leaving the whalebones behind (throwing away a gift as I put it), and the fact that the trip was over.
When we first hit the “open seas” we had 20-knot winds coming from th NW. The waves were about four feet high and were literally burning my eyes from the salt in the water. Nina and Latoya were behind, Liz and myself (we were told to stay in back). Liz is a beast. When we took a snack break I could sense the excess tension between Kenny, Latoya, and Nina from our student meetings. After we landed and discussed our options I sat in the sand and figured out why I was so angry. Then I apologized to mother nature and the seas calmed down. I got in the boat with Thomas and went as slow as possible to enjoy the last of my paddles. When we landed we cleaned the boats handed them over to Shawn, fit the crap and the kayaks into the bubble bus and hit the road once again to John and Jennies.
First we stopped in Bar Harbor for a minute, but once we arrived I got out my gap down coat and warmed up. My poncho smells like rotting vegan Sloppy Joe. The fire marshal of Waldoboro, Maine allowed us to have a bon fire. We went around the circle and said our thanks and byes. I’m in the bubble bus with the girls talking about life in Shackleton not looking forward to sleeping in my tent. I miss being on different islands every knight and hope to revisit someday.