November 02, 2005


Africa’s Issues
Marcus Francis
November 2, 2005
I.The people of Africa
A. History
1. 500 years ago there were successful cities, markets, and centers of learning scattered all over the continent
2. Late 19th century most of Africa is being divided between the European powers.
3. Birth Place of Human Race
4. 5,000 years ago one of the first great civilizations “Ancient Egypt” which rose from north east Africa some 5,000 years ago
B. Issues keeping Africa from moving forward
a) AIDS was first identified as a disease in America in 1981, and since then the epidemic has not stopped growing.
b) Sub-Saharan Africa is the region of the world that is most affected by HIV & AIDS.
c) Around 2 million children under 15 are living with HIV and more than twelve million children have been orphaned by AIDS.
d) An estimated 25.4 million people are living with HIV and approximately 3.1 million new infections occurred in 2004.
e) In just the past year the epidemic has claimed the lives of an estimated 2.3 million people in this region.

2. Corrupt Government
Governments in African nations such as The Congo, and places like Rwanda have committed mass genocide. Governments are often selfish and are only thinking about personal gain. A government is supposed to be a tool to advance a society not one to hold it back and reap the benefits of others labor.
3. Africans Holding on to Traditions
In Africa many traditions are held on to. I think this is beautiful however it has held many Africans back. Due to some of these traditions most Africans sadly prefer to see a witch doctor before they go to see a western-doctor. In many cases the witch doctor will cheat the patient, telling them for instance that they do not have HIV/AIDS
4. Food
There is the issue of hunger in Africa. Many bellies are not full. People, especially children suffer from malnutrition.
• In order to solve the epidemic of HIV/AIDS the long-term planning will need to be taken serious by all parties involved and implemented. One of the best ways to slow the process of HIV/AIDS is prevention. These prevention efforts need to be taken serious within individual countries, and furthermore within each city or village. This would call for 90 percent of Africans to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS, and that at least 9 percent of the HIV- positive Africans get the treatment and care they need.
2. Corrupt Government
• Governments need to take the issues serious and work on plans specific to their economical, and resources to fight the issues and make their countries successful for all.
3. Africans Holding on to Traditions
• The issues of Africans holding on to some traditions that are not necessary, and actually prohibit them from moving forward are ridiculous. I myself appreciate tradition however things must change over time.
4. Food and Self Sustainability
• African nations should start to become sustainable by themselves and eat food that they can grow themselves before they think about others. Rather than trying to grow vegetables that do not grow good in their climate and soil, they should grow what does produce great harvest for there soil.

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