January 21, 2007

Life In General

So ive come to tha conclusion that life is a test but we never die we only continue to take the test until god says times up. The way i see it is that energy never disappears. Our soul is that energy within us that makes us all unique but the same. We all came from god, jah, buddah, whatever u wanna call him/her. Jah is perfection nothing else like Jah exist his origins are not to be questioned. We were made in Jahs image but we are all unique. So judging others makes no sense because your just passing judgment on ur-selves with that inner Jah hes in all of us you see and its not up 2 you, you, or me to tell another how to live. Some souls have learned this lesson others have not. The whole racist thing needs 2 go out the window. By saying one is skin tone is more superior to another again we are passing judgment being insecure about wat Jah gave I an I. Constantly Dissin his mission. So ive came to tha conclusion that were all in the game for a reason but that reason only your soul knows and it cant easily be communicated. Thats y we say actions speak louder than words cuz u cant lie to yourself.
So for awhile ive been tryin ta communicate this hopefully i can do it through my music. I hope yall tell me how im doin. If im shit then say that but ima continue cuz u just dissed god ya dig. We all got our opinions i got mine to. Its about acceptance; really thats what the world needs.

God had to start over so many times and we still have to start over again because some souls are just about themselves. You notice that the middle class is shrinking. That trips me out because im poor, that was gonna be my bridge to rich. Now i've gotta hop from poor ta rich in one jump. I just gotta prepare myself tho cuz faith ell bring me there. So what im sayin is that the word is coming to a crossroads warnings have been givin so u better repent and start ta live your life the best you can till Jah comes and chooses us to built that ark ya digg.


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